Business solutions
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Telegram Payments

Connect Telegram Pay to turn your messenger into a powerful sales channel
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How Telegram Pay benefits businesses

High payment conversion

High payment conversion

The Tranzzo payment page is embedded in Telegram, and it has a positive impact on conversion and customer loyalty. After all, in order to pay, the buyer does not need to leave the messenger and take any extra steps.
Wide target audience

Wide target audience

Telegram has over 700 million active users worldwide, so you can use Telegram Pay in literally any local market.
Additional marketing tool

Additional marketing tool

Set up different sales scenarios with Telegram payment: for pending purchases, products in a customer’s wishlist, or recently viewed items.

How to pay via Telegram Pay

Follow the link to test the payment in Telegram

Make a demo payment
  1. The customer chooses the product in the chat
  2. The bot creates an invoice with a payment button
  3. The customer makes payment without leaving Telegram

How to connect Telegram Pay

Follow the link for detailed guidelines
View Documentation
Sign up for the Tranzzo merchant portal
Connect your bot to Telegram Pay via @BotFather, using the data of the test project
Make technical settings as specified in the documentation
Create a working project, go through moderation in Tranzzo and start selling

Expand your reach and tap into new opportunities with Tranzzo's cutting-edge payment solutions

Create an account to start integration, or reach out to a manager and clarify the details