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Requirements for online merchants

Take a closer look at the basic conditions of payment integration

Basic requirements for websites

Make sure your online platform surpasses the following requirements: 

  1. The site is open for public access: it does not require a login and a password for entering.
  2. The website works adequately, meaning that users can easily take all the needed steps starting from placing orders and until the checkout step.
  3. Goods/services and website content in general  do not violate the legislation of the country (countries) where they are sold. 
  4. If you sell goods/services in Ukraine and your business has a Ukrainian registration, then your website must have a Ukrainian-language version. It should be the main one for users in Ukraine.
Basic requirements for websites

Technical requirements

  1. The payment page is protected by the TLS data security protocol (https: //).
  2. All pages on the web where your goods or services are sold, they have to be under a single domain name. Should you use subdomains or duplicate sites, it is crucial to provide a complete list of them.
  3. All internal links on your website should work and lead to the corresponding pages. If the link is dysfunctional, users are redirected to the 404 error page. 
Technical requirements

Company and product information

Merchants should provide customers with a complete picture of the goods/services sold and the company itself.

The following information is a must-have:

  1. detailed product or service descriptions: name, price, currency, characteristics, use specifications, payment methods;
  2. legal or export restrictions (if any);
  3. the legal name of the company and a registration number;
  4. address (legal and physical), phone, email, and other means to contact you.
Company and product information

Policies and agreements

  1. Terms & Conditions
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Cookie Policy 
  4. Make sure users have read and accepted your terms and conditions by asking them to tick off the checkbox when proceeding to the checkout.

    The structure of policies and agreements may differ for businesses that have additional risks when accepting online payments. Follow the link below to get more information about that.
Policies and agreements

Payment system logos

Placing a payment system logo on your website is the easiest way to tell your customers that you accept card payments. 

Please, use only the logos provided below for your website.

Payment system logos

Ask for an expert help

If you have any questions left or want to clarify the requirements for your business, contact us.

Ready to get started with Tranzzo? 

Please, make sure your website has all necessary policies and your products have nothing to do with a list of prohibited goods or services.