Business solutions
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SBCR for online business

Set up mandatory fiscalization of payments in State Tax Service of Ukraine for free and in the shortest possible time with service of Tranzzo partners
alertAS of October 1, 2023, fines for payment transactions without fiscalization in the State Tax Service of Ukraine returned for businesses. Violation fee — up to 150% of the check amount.
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Advantages of SBCR with Tranzzo

The software-based cash register (SBCR) is a solution that automatically stores information about payments for goods or services and transmits it to the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

Savings on equipment
Savings on equipment

Save money on the purchase and maintenance of physical cash registers

Simple setup
Simple setup

Follow our clear instructions, and if you have any questions, the support team is always in touch

Automated reporting
Automated reporting

The system transmits all the necessary payment data to the State Tax Service of Ukraine by itself, closes and opens the shift, submits Z-reports

Protection from fines
Protection from fines

Conduct business transparently and minimize the likelihood of errors in filling out Tax reports

How to start issuing electronic checks
  • Create a digital signature

    A digital signature can be obtained online or at any accredited certification center.

  • Register with our SBCR Cash Desk provider partner

    Log in to Cash Desk and add your company in your profile settings.

  • Register the cash register and cashier in the State Tax Service of Ukraine

    To do this, you need to submit a completed SBCR registration form. This can be done quickly through the Cash Desk or your State Tax Service of Ukraine personal account.

  • Set up fiscalization for all payments with Tranzzo

    Add new payment parameters to the API-request and fill in two fields to set up the SBCR in the merchant portal.

    Learn more about settings

How automatic fiscalization of operations works

For the seller
For the buyer


Who is obliged to fiscalize payments

Expand your reach and tap into new opportunities with Tranzzo's cutting-edge solutions

Create an account to start integration, or reach out to our manager and clarify the details